Pavement Preservation
Our pavement preservation methods & tactics are strategies that are derived from extensive research, trial & error, & success projects.​
In this industry, there is no handbook to follow....
We are experts in our field & have years of research, knowledge, and experience to successfully build, create, & execute successful "show case" projects all around the state of California.
Fiber Seal
A revolutionary one- or two-layer system to greatly improve the flexural durability of the pavement. Our two-layer systems greatly mimic conventional HMA overlays for pennies on the dollar.

Micro Surfacing
A durable wearing course designed to extend the
life of your roadways.
A cold applied polymer modified asphalt overlay treatment infused with Portland cement, mineral filler, ground tire rubber, and fast setting chemicals to give you that "fresh" and durable asphalt overlay "look."

PMRE Emulsions
Let's rejuvenate your asphalt.
Over time asphalt begins to lose its natural oils due to oxidation and the harsh elements, this results in asphalt becoming very brittle, dry, and weak leaving cracking almost inevitable. PMRE (polymer modified rejuvenating emulsions) restoring the natural occurring oils in the pavement to keep the surface sealed and protected. This is the most inexpensive pavement preservation method and should be done to each roadway every 3-5 years.

Chip Seal
A surface treatment that combines one or more layers of asphalt with one or more layers of fine aggregate to create a new driving surface to act as a wearing course.

City Of Reedley Success Story
This One Was Unique...
"The City of Reedley was struggling to find a vendor who would remove the rubber surface from the cement walking trail in one of the heaviest used parks. This playground type surface was installed in 2006 and was failing. It has come off to the point of being a safety concern or tip hazard. A colleague in another City recommended Environmental Concepts. They proposed a plan and both of our agencies went into this project not knowing what the end result may be. Within a day and ½ the rubber surface was removed and the walking trail was in perfect condition. It did not have to be recovered or repaired because of the damage. Environmental Concepts did an amazing job and really worked hard to make sure the trail turned out as nice as it did. The staff was great to work with and I appreciate them taking a risk on a project with unknown outcomes."
-Sarah Reid, Community Services Director

Restore an unsafe road with micro milling and surface sealing technologies.

Other Road Related Products...
“We love it because it is eco- friendly. We put it in front of our paving box and spray our equipment, box, and tools with it. It does not have the nasty smell that diesel has. We found that when we used diesel in the past, the over spray from being in front of the paving box would get on our asphalt load and eat the fines, thereby attacking the asphalt. Natural Soy does not attack our asphalt. When we use it as a degreaser, we spray it on our tools and the dried asphalt slides off when we scrape it off. My guys will not use anything else.”
-Cal Trans Santa Barbara

With the use of lignin sulfonate, calcium chloride, or magnesium chloride we are able to apply effective dust suppressants for non-paved roads. Our customers include wind farms, vineyards, farms, solar, construction, and many others alike.
*Ask us about pickup or delivery of HMA with your spec or specified grade or binder.*


We are able to offer the highest quality recycled & or virgin road base as per your request. Our cold mix resources are also among some of the best in the state with the highest performing and longest lasting mix.

Pavement Preservations Specialties Inc.
"Making The Quality Difference"​